Good Vibrations

“Do you have any questions for me?” I asked my new patient for home health physical therapy today, as I wrap up the evaluation.

“Yes, I actually do… Are you always THIS happy?”

I’ve never been asked this question. EVER. But I was almost always told that I bring sunshine to their homes whenever I see patients at their home. 

It has just become a conscious decision for me that when I go to patient’s house or when I see a patient. I bring positivity to their home. More often than not, I am their only visitor for days and weeks.

And nobody really looks forward to just exercising. It was an emotional choice for me to switch my energy to the highest level possible when I work with a patient or any person for that matter.

This skill set took years to develop. The skill of finetuning your vibration, your aura, your energy to a positive one – that the other person FEELS it.

The downside of this skill, you have complete strangers pour their heart and soul sometimes. I become a shock absorber. And this is okay every now and then. But if it becomes too much. I have learned to channel the negative energy to something else. So, it doesn’t get pent up inside. Otherwise, I would suffer – or my family will.

Call it what you want. Energy. Aura. Light. All I aim for it is to be a GOOD one. 

I have learned that if you always make a conscious effort to emit positivity and do good. It comes back to you two-fold, maybe even three or four. 

And people will remember may not always remember what you do. But they will remember how you made them FEEL.

On that note, here are some ways that I keep a maintain and create a positive aura:
  1. Be Grateful. Even for the little things. Write it down. Say it out loud. “Today, I am grateful for being able to jump out of bed.” And when you feel like starting complain. Stop. And think of something to be thankful for.
  2. Taking the “heavy” jacket off. There are just some days that wears anyone out. Including me. On days like those, before I go inside our home. I pretend that I am taking off a jacket that is filthy and heavy – then throwing it away in an imaginary laundry basket. When I have had an emotionally tolling day. I would say it out loud too. “I am taking all the heaviness off and I am going to enjoy my down time with my family.”
  3. Grounding on grass. I just started this one. I stand in the backyard barefoot. And just playing with my dog. Connecting with the earth.
  4. Water meditation. I read this somewhere. And I don’t remember exactly… But at the start of a day or end of a day. I fill up a glass of water. Hold it with both hands. Stare at the water and think or say that this water is filled with good energy and it will go through my body and will help cleanse and get me activated throughout the day. And then when I do drink it, I think of how it goes to quench my body and my soul.
  5. Spending time with family. I make sure I hug my family every single day. When our son Sky comes home from school. We hug each other and count to 20-30 secs. With this habit, he has learned to come to one of us for a hug when he is feeling stressed with schoolwork too. And it helps!
  6. Healthy eating. I have been doing my best to follow a blue zone diet. Cooking with olive oil, eating greens, beans… Sugar is cut down to a minimum. More on that in one of my future posts.
  7. Keep Moving. Taking walks, parking a few feet from the grocery entrance, sneaking in a few squats every now and then. Helps keep the body and mind healthy. 

These are just some of the things I practice on a daily basis. Do what works best for you. Experiment. Try new things. If it seems silly to you, but you LIKE it? Go for it. The more positive and good vibration we emit, makes the world a happy place.